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How to convert windows contacts to a single .vcf file

Posted by Tech Space Media on Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Normally when you save a contact on windows PC, it is saved as a windows contact file (.contacts). Most devices can't import this kind of contact to their contact list and this can be annoying especially if you don't have method to import the contacts to your device.
This tutorial will show you how to export the numerous contacts you have on your windows PC to Vcard format (.vcf) file which is widely supported by devices. Most bulk sms platforms now use this file format for ease of multiple contact entry.

This tutorial is in two parts
- Export windows contacts to .vcf format
- Converting the numerous .vcf contacts to a single  .vcf file

Export windows contacts to .vcf format
Create a folder on desktop with name econtacts
Open the contacts folder in windows
Usually the path of contact folder is C:\Users\username\Contacts
Inside this folder, select the contacts you want to export to .vcf format then click Export
Select vCard (folder of .vcf files) and click Export
Now select the econtacts folder on the desktop where you want to store the vCard files and click OK

The contacts are now exported
Since these contacts are many in number you will want to convert them to a single .vcf file

Converting the numerous .vcf contacts to a single  .vcf file
Now launch command prompt (CMD)
Type in the following code and press Enter Key to navigate to econtacts folder on Desktop
cd Desktop\econtacts

Now type in the following code and press Enter Key  to export all the contacts in that folder to a single .vcf file
copy *.vcf allcontacts.vcf

Now its done
When you open the econtacts folder on Desktop you will see allcontacs.vcf file which contains all the windows contacts you exported earlier. You can now use the allcontacts.vcf file to import your contacts on any device


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