Today You are Going To Gain an interesting Knowledge From our Blog That how to Change IMEI number Of bluestacks
Firstly click here to Download Rooted Bluestacks or If You have then Leave it.
1. Now Firstly, press windows+R button or just open Start menu and open Run.
2. Type regedit and hit enter, you will find different directories.
3. Browse HKEY_LOCAL_ MACHINE \SOFTWARE\BlueStacks\Guests \Android path and Select Boot Parameters .
4. Just look for numbers & text between “ GUIDE =” & “ Version ” .
5. Change it with random text/ num and restart bluestacks.
6. Finally, You have successfully changed IMEI number of bluestacks.
Firstly click here to Download Rooted Bluestacks or If You have then Leave it.
1. Now Firstly, press windows+R button or just open Start menu and open Run.
2. Type regedit and hit enter, you will find different directories.
3. Browse HKEY_LOCAL_ MACHINE \SOFTWARE\BlueStacks\Guests \Android path and Select Boot Parameters .
4. Just look for numbers & text between “ GUIDE =” & “ Version ” .
5. Change it with random text/ num and restart bluestacks.
6. Finally, You have successfully changed IMEI number of bluestacks.
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