Today customer arrive to my shop with the problem of Windows Bitlocker recovery when he power-up the mobile after his full charge from low battery, Costumer don't know what problem came from.
Trying safe a 1st step is i make it hard reset using combination key but i'm failed because it stuck on flash blue screen apear with bitlocker recovery problem.
The phone is not dead boot because when i connect to PC port is connected as Winusb Device driver in off mode but without care suite USB connectivity driver when in power on mode, So i decide to update firmware using updating my old WDT tools to Windows Device recovery Tool version 3.11.34101.
Step how i do it
- Check if your internet connection is Stable. must need it
- Download and Install "Windows Device Recovery Tool"
- Run the Windows Device Recovery Tool.exe.
- Select Lumia on device manufacturer selection of tool.
- Connect phone in off mode with atleast 70% charge battery
- Proceed to download section follow tools prompt.
If the device not detected, You must check the following, Go to device manager of your PC it have name Winusb Device driver, if have not this, the tools not run, Kindly check your USB charging port of device and cable may be damage.
Or if other driver name is come up when you connect the phone like emergency boot name, Your device is brick! There's a solution , you can follow read HERE one of my post but download your own product code, i hope not like that because its complicated step solution but i success.
Tools have built-in driver already.
After driver was install, The tools detect device and automatic search what version available to download essential files.
After starting download you can now disconnect the device from PC and wait.
That's it, Relax and wait longer, for me its takes four hours to complete download.
After finish download, The tools ask for reconnect the device to start flashing firmware to device.
The version detect of WDT of mobile phone is RM915_3058.50000.1424.0001_RETAIL_nam_usa_228_01_439678_prd_signed.
And the Product code is 059T105
The firmware file Rom folder RM-915 name after i download is below
- 040-117112v3.pcx
- CustomerNvi_af89e60395cbee5560db2e4d011ef0fb_3058.50000.1424.0_439678_12395.nvi
- DC_WP8_Template_NwWP_v2.bin
- fabcc7b5-250f-457c-8071-018a21c8183b_RM915_3058.50000.1424.0001_RETAIL_nam_usa_228_01_439678_prd_signed.ffu
- NWP8_WP8_ATT_US_simlock_crc995C.bin
- RM915_059T105_3058.50000.1424.0001_1497.dcp
- RM915_059T105_3058.50000.1424.0001_1497.vpl
- RM915_059T105_3058.50000.1424.0001_1497_signature.bin
- RM915_059T105_ccc_v1497.bin
- RM915_059T105_hwt_v1497.bin
- RM915_3058.50000.1424.0001_RETAIL_nam_usa_228_01_439678_prd_signed.ffu
- 915_barcode_label_layout_003_SKU6087A.xml
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