This Samsung model A667 lock on AT&T network SIM was arrive on my repair shop with a problem on PHONE FREEZE, It means the phone reach the invalid number "enter lock SIM network".
Maybe costumer type key lock code on simlock many times, That's why it freeze see the figure above.
The Unlock\Openline code in SIMLOCK is easy to place to the phone if the device if you insert the unaccepted sim-card is asking "SIM network unlock code" must place the 8-12 digit code then press OK and the phone is Unlock.
But the problem of this Phone is if you insert un accepted SIM , Its say FREEZE on screen, How to put unlock code if not asking?..
The Reference i post here for this kind of problem to viewers, Kindly read this post and i beg for my english if not so good ^_^..
First i use the Octopus Box Samsung- A paid toools not free to read the all codes.. See the figure 1 below
Figure 1
If you have Octopus box Samsung activated
- Just select the model
- Comport number which the where driver installed (optional its automatically detect port if you have proper driver of device) DRIVER LIST SAMSUNG_USB_Driver_for_Mobile_Phones.exe
- Press the Read info>Read Codes tab
- Connect the power off phone in service UART in box(Use the Service micro UART cable not USB)
- Press the power on shortly and the phone goes in TAT mode and the Octopus Samsung software begin to read all the codes in phone see the figure 1.
The Octopus Software shows FREEZE,NETLOCK,ACTIVE LOCK codes. Here the TUTS how i put FREEZE lock to phone is..
- Insert unaccepted SIM
- Phone screen say Phone Freeze Contact provider etc.
- Type key on keybord of phone the freeze code which is mine 28565570 then press OK
NOTE: You cannot see anything number on screen when you typing the freeze codes
- The new Screen appear that's asking for NETLOCK code, i insert the 75579640
- If accepted, Another screen appear and asking disable Activation LOCK then enter 12369874
If all codes is accepted the phone is ready to accept all SIMCARD you insert and totally UNLOCK SIM.
All the codes not similar output see figure 1, it depends on every device which generated by serial number and all codes is READ in its device unit via Octopus Samsung software..

The unaccepted SIM is detected and no Freeze warning screen after unlocking the A667 Samsung model
Hope it help this Reference...
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