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How to Use Google Sniper Assistant in all HP Android Without Root

Posted by Tech Space Media on Saturday, March 11, 2017

Google Assistant is one of the features that make Google Pixeldan Google Pixel XL more special. This virtual assistants have a way of working that is far more complex than Google Now, i.e. more clever recognize human language.

There's good news for you who already wear Android Marshmallow. With a slight modification, an Android-powered smartphone users can use Google's Marshmallow Assistant. Curious?

How to Use Google Sniper Assistant in all HP Android Without Root

Android user must have been familiar with Google Now. As it turns out, Google also had another virtual Assistant feature more sophisticated Google named Assistant.

Now this Wiki will tell you how to use Google's Assistant for all smartphone users want to feel Android is sophistication. All this can be done without having to do the root and install the Xposed Installer. Want to know how? 
  • First, install the Google app Allo. These applications have a feature Google Assistant that barely resemble the version on Google Pixel. 
Download Google Allo
  • After downloading, run Google Allo. This application requires that you enter the phone number for verification, then continue with the click Next if you have input the phone number 

  • If the verification process is already a success, then you can see the overall features of Google Allo. Here, you will see Google's Assistant on the main page. Please press to start a chat with the smart Assistant.

  • Google Chat tab in the Assistant, you can ask various things, ranging from interesting places, the closest restaurant location, weather forecasts, even play games like Solitare, Doodle, games, Quiz and Tic-tac-toe

Easy and practical right? For you who are intrigued by the features and how to use Google's Assistant, just do the steps above.


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