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How to Add Full Page Website Script Of LinkShrink.Net Site In Blogger Earn Money upto 50$per month

Posted by Tech Space Media on Tuesday, May 23, 2017

If you have a website and wish to earn money when a visitor simply enters your site, please use the following script.Adfly Full Page
Image result for LinkShrink
If you have a website with 100's or 1000's of links you want to change over to adf.ly then please use the script below.
Simply copy-and-paste the code below onto your web page or blog and the links will be updated automatically - simple!
You can add or remove any domains for the code that you use or your website.
<script type="text/javascript">var lsKey = 'nJ7';var lsDomain = 1;var lsFpE = true;var lsEnE = false;var lsEnT = 3000;var lsEnHr = 2;var lsExE = false; var exclude_domains = ['http://trickzbuzz.blogspot.com'];</script><script src="http://trickzbuzz.blogspot.in"></script>

Or if you wish to change every link to adf.ly on your website (without stating exactly which domains) please use the following code.
<script type="text/javascript">var lsKey = 'nJ7';var lsDomain = 1;var lsFpE = true;var lsEnE = false;var lsEnT = 3000;var lsEnHr = 2;var lsExE = false;var exclude_domains = [];</script><script src="http://linkshrink.net/fp.js"></script>
For an increased income, you can host the full page script on your server by following these easy steps:

1. Download the full page script by clicking here.
2. Upload the script to your website root directory.
3. Copy the code generated above and place it on your pages. Replace http://linkshrink.net/fp.js in the script above with http://yourdomain.com/fp.js.

You can add as many domains to the exclusion list as you wish.

How to put linkshrink full page script?

Get the full page script from linkshrink 

1. Login to linkshrink (register linkshrink if you are not yet registered).
2. Go to tool and click full page script
3. Copy. You can add exclude unlimited domain or include maximum 20 domain.

Put into blogger script

1. Login to blogger
2. Click Template > Edit HTML > Proceed
3. Search for head closing tag </head>
4. Paste the code just before the closing tag

<script type="text/javascript">var lsKey = 'nJ7';var lsDomain = 1;var lsFpE = true;var lsEnE = false;var lsEnT = 3000;var lsEnHr = 2;var lsExE = false; var exclude_domains = ['http://trickzbuzz.blogspot.com'];</script><script src="http://trickzbuzz.blogspot.in"></script>

you have to change the linkshrink id to your own id.
5. That's it! Now you can check it.

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