* Your warranty is... still valid?
* thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please
* do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM
* before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
* you point the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you.
ROM Features:
● navigation bar ▼
- enable/disable navbar
- navbar colour tint
- navbar button customisation smart bar
- navbar pulse
- navbar fling
- brightness slider
- double tap to sleep navbar
● status bar ▼
- double tap to sleep status bar
- enable / disable show notification count
- superuser indicator switch
- clock customisation's
- carrier label
- carrier label switch
- carrier label colour
- carrier label size
- clock font styles
- time & date
- day & date toggle
- centre / right / left clock choice
- date format
● battery ▼
- battery % text
- battery bar customisation
- battery icon customisation (circle / landscape / portrait and more)
● status bar RR logo ▼
● network traffic indicator ▼
- network traffic arrows switch
- incoming / outgoing traffic
- network traffic colour
- weather position (left / right)
- RR logo colour
- position
● custom logos ▼
- logo colour
- position
- style
● status bar weather ▼
- weather colour
- toast animations
- weather font style
- weather size
● status bar ticker ▼
- ticker text colour
- ticker icon colour
● animations ▼
- list view animations
- 3 finger swipe screenshot gesture
- system animations
- qs tile animations
- power menu animations
- misc animations
● gestures ▼
- gestures anywhere feature
● app circle bar ▼
- trigger position
- choose apps in app sidebar
- trigger width
- trigger height
- trigger position
● app sidebar ▼
- choose apps in app circle
- trigger width
- trigger height
- clear all button location (top right / top left / top centre / bottom left / bottom right / bottom centre)
● pie control ▼
- pie trigger (left / right / bottom)
- pie targets
- pie colours
- more pie features
● recents panel ▼
- clear all button switch
- clear all tasks switch
- lock screen bottom shortcuts
- full screen recents
- recents styles
- omniswitch
● cclock widget ▼
- clock and alarm customisation's
- weather panel customisation's
- calender events
● lockscreen ▼
- lock screen weather widget
- lock screen general shortcuts
- 100+ icons for shortcuts
- double tap to sleep lock screen
- lock screen media art / enable disable
- quick pin / patter unlock
- lockscreen wallpaper
- custom headers
- lock screen icons colour
● quick settings draggable tiles ▼
- customisable tiles
- dynamic tiles adjustment
- number of columns / rows
- tile animations
● notification drawer ▼
- task manager
- notification panel stroke
- long press toggles to enter settings
- disable immersive mode messages
- force expand notification
- quick pull-down
- smart pull-down
- notification panel transparency
- volume dialog transparency
- volume dialog stroke
- on the go mode
● buttons ▼
- back-light timer
- back-light strength
● advanced reboot menu ▼
- power off
- reboot (recovery / boot-loader / hot reboot)
- screen-shot
- power menu end calls switch
- restart systemui
- aeroplane mode
- screen record
● search button (if device supports) ▼
- sound panel
● home button (for devices with hw keys only) ▼
- home button answer call
- long press actions
- double tap actions
● menu button (for devices with hw keys only) ▼
- short press actions
- long press actions
- short press action
- selinux switch (switch between permissive and enforcing selinux if device has selinux enabled)
- long press action
● volume buttons ▼
- wake up device
- playback control
- ringtone volume control
- keyboard cursor control
- swap buttons on landscape mode
- volume key answer
● miscellaneous ▼
- clock shortcut
- disable battery saver warning colour
- performance profiles
- ota updates
- camera shutter sound enable / disable
● systemui tuner ▼
- enabled by default
- removed demo mode and tweaked systemui tuner as compared to aosp
- status bar icons customisation's
- quick settings customisation's
● other features ▼
- lcd density
- battery light customisation's
- expanded desktop mode
- heads up switch and customisation's
- live display
- configurable 0/90 / 180 / 270 degree rotation
- lock screen auto-rotate switch
- double tap power button to enable camera gesture
- prevent accidental wake-up
- wake phone on charging plug
- and much much more ...
- notification light customisation's
- font size
- CM privacy guard
- RR ota
- CM root inbuilt
- new RR configurations
- overall smoothness improvements
- optimisation's to improve battery
- includes all android nougat features
What’s working:
Bluetooth, WiFi, Hotspot
Sound / Media
Camera (with front flash) and Video Recording
LED Notifications and Charging lights
Video recording (use Footej camera to record video)
Laggy music when play music via Bluetooth speaker
- Daniel Pajantoy, Mohancm, Renz Aljon, Resurrection Remix os, CM LineageOS, etc
MAIN CREDIT TO Ryan Sarmiento
ROM OS Version: 7.1.2
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.18.19+
Based On: AOSP
Version Information
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