Latest Update 06-06-2017,Xiaomi Redmi 4 Network Problem Repair Solution
How can I get lost after flashing using global firmwares?. Hello Gsm Friends today we want to share solution in order to restore lost signal at xiaomi redmi 4.
First start the modem firmwares that you can download..
Next step, extract the modem, open the folder, get the file NON_Hlos.bin then Pastekan on the firmware folder already You flashing earlier.
Picture Bellow:
Delete the file NON-HLOS bin is in firmware.Replace with the NON-HLOS.bin Recent.Open Prada_modems that have been extracted.Open the ModemV1 folder.Open the firmware-update.Take the file NON-Hlos.bin.Open your fastboot firmware.
How To Xiaomi Redmi 4:
Open XiaomiFlash.exe On your Desktop
Fill in the previously-distract firmware folderClick Refresh * to make sure if HH is Connected PCSelect Clean All,Click Flash
NOTE:Congratulations to use global rom and play store available and signal back to your mobile phone. If it appears success, press the power button for 7 dedik, HH will live, continue setting to finish. THANK YOU EVERY ONE
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