Satellite internet is one option, but not all that cost effective in most respects.
In the case of Egypt, WikiLeaks was kind enough to provide a free dial-in service:
Dial-Up Internet in Egypt +33172890150 (login 'toto' pass 'toto')
if you DO have the internet and you just need to circumvent a firewall type protection, then TOR is the way to go:
Method 2 -
If it's DNS that is shut down, (I'm in the middle east so these might be slightly faster than the servers in the US if they are using load balancing)
You can get Tor by email as well. From a Gmail or Yahoo mail account send windows to bundle anywhere in the body of the email to get tor AT torproject.org . For bridges send get bridges to the same.
There are also bundles for OSX and Linux avaliable.
Method 3 -
You can either use a proxy website or VPN software or try to access blocked a website by using its IP address or mobile version it may work sometimes.
I only prefer Hotspot Shield free VPN if I want to access Government blocked websites as it is fast, free and provides unlimited bandwidth.
>> http://www.hotspotshield.com/unb...
Method 4 -
You can get Tor by email as well. From a Gmail or Yahoo mail account send windows to bundle anywhere in the body of the email to get tor AT torproject.org . For bridges send get bridges to the same.
There are also bundles for OSX and Linux avaliable.
Method 3 -
You can either use a proxy website or VPN software or try to access blocked a website by using its IP address or mobile version it may work sometimes.
I only prefer Hotspot Shield free VPN if I want to access Government blocked websites as it is fast, free and provides unlimited bandwidth.
>> http://www.hotspotshield.com/unb...
Method 4 -
- 20 Ways to Circumvent the Egyptians Governments Internet Block
- By: @trickzbuzzz
- 01] Nour DSL is still working in Egypt, Dial up with 0777 7776 or 07777 666
- 02] IP addresses for social media: pass on to people in #Egypt: Twitter: Facebook:
- 03] How to circumvent the communications blackout in #Egypt http://slink.us?lr Arabic
- 04] #hamradio frequencies for #egypt http://slink.us?ls PLEASE SPREAD IRC: http://slink.us?lt
- 05] Ham Radio Software software for PC, Mac, and Linux http://www.hamsphere.com Communicate w/ #egypt
- 06] TOR Bridge 04FD6AE46E95F1E46B5264528C48EA84DB10CAC4
- 07] There is an Old DSL Dialup 24564600
- 08] Send SMS reports to +1 949 209 7559 and they will retweet for you. Please spread to those in #Egypt on battlefield
- 09] #Egypt hams are on 7.050-7.200 MHz LSB
- 10] Egypt Gov only blocking by DNS. So for Twitter try Facebook Proxy
- 11] VPN Server http://texnomic.com/url/2L is now stable and open for FREE to ALL
- 12] Help the Egypt Revolutionaries by overcoming the Firewall https://www.accessnow.org/proxy-cloud
- 13] 0m band, 7.050-7.200 MHz LSB, 318.5 degrees (northwest/north from Cairo) Ham Radio Operators
- 14] We are now providing dial-up modem service at +46850009990. user/pass: telecomix/telecomix (only for #egypt, respect that PLEASE!).
- 15] People of Egypt ONLY! Use this dial-up provided by friends in France to go online: +33172890150 (login 'toto' password 'toto')
- 16] FREE VPN Server to bypass ANY Blockage on ANY ADSL or Cell Network. Domain: Cloud.Texnomic.com User: FreeEgypt Pass: #Jan25
- 17] Third party apps: Tweetdeck http://www.tweetdeck.com/ & HootSuite http://hootsuite.com/ still work for updating Twitter
- 18] I2P anonymizing network http://www.i2p2.de/
- 19] RetroShare: secure communications with friends http://retroshare.sourceforge.net/
- 20] Follow @AnonymousRx
- We are anonymous
- We are legion
- We do not forgive
- We do not forget
- Expect us
- Please help support #OpEgypt and join anonymously in IRC chat, you can use a secure web version of IRC called Mibbit @ http://slink.us?ll
- Ask what you can do to help when in the chat channel, anonymous members are always willing to help out new members!
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