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Lenovo A269i Firmware ROM

Posted by Tech Space Media on Sunday, October 1, 2017

Firmware Rom is backup as scatter file using NCK Tools.
The figure image on top picture shows the actual unit of Lenovo A269i.


Device Brand : Lenovo A269i
Device Model : A269i
Device CPU : MT6572
Boot : NAND: (4Gb+2048Mb) [HYNIX] H9DA4VH2GJAMCR_4EM 
 Size: 0x20000000 [0.500 GB
 Block Size: 4096 SpareSize: 128  BMT Blocks 80

NCK Mediatek Tools Logs backup 100%

Detecting high speed port, wait......
If driver not installed, install high speed port driver.
If not need high speed port, disable it.
After repeat opperation.
Detecting high speed port, wait......
Detected : MediaTek DA USB VCOM (Android) (COM97)
Searching partiton table, wait..
[0]Part: PRELOADER Begin: 0x0 Len: 0x100000
[1]Part: PRO_INFO Begin: 0x100000 Len: 0x100000
[2]Part: NVRAM Begin: 0x200000 Len: 0x300000
[3]Part: _PROTECT_F Begin: 0x500000 Len: 0x300000
[4]Part: _PROTECT_S Begin: 0x800000 Len: 0x300000
[5]Part: SECCFG Begin: 0xb00000 Len: 0x40000
[6]Part: UBOOT Begin: 0xb40000 Len: 0x80000
[7]Part: BOOTIMG Begin: 0xbc0000 Len: 0x600000
[8]Part: RECOVERY Begin: 0x11c0000 Len: 0x600000
[9]Part: SEC_RO Begin: 0x17c0000 Len: 0x40000
[10]Part: MISC Begin: 0x1800000 Len: 0xc0000
[11]Part: _RESV Begin: 0x18c0000 Len: 0xc0000
[12]Part: LOGO Begin: 0x1980000 Len: 0x100000
[13]Part: EXPDB Begin: 0x1a80000 Len: 0x200000
[14]Part: FAT Begin: 0x1c80000 Len: 0x1400000
[15]Part: ANDROID Begin: 0x3080000 Len: 0xce00000
[16]Part: CACHE Begin: 0xfe80000 Len: 0x4200000
[17]Part: USRDATA Begin: 0x14080000 Len: 0xab00000
[18]Part: BMTPOOL Begin: 0xffff0050 Len: 0x0
Offset: 0x1eb80000 Count: 19
Detected partitions count: 19
Start dumping flash, this can take up to 1 hour.......
Start procesing PRELOADER ......
Start procesing PRO_INFO ......
Reading: BEGIN: 0x100000 - LEN: 0x100000
Start procesing NVRAM ......
Reading: BEGIN: 0x200000 - LEN: 0x300000
Start procesing UBOOT ......
Start procesing BOOTIMG ......
Reading: BEGIN: 0xbc0000 - LEN: 0x600000
Start procesing RECOVERY ......
Reading: BEGIN: 0x11c0000 - LEN: 0x600000
Start procesing SEC_RO ......
Reading: BEGIN: 0x17c0000 - LEN: 0x40000
Start procesing _RESV ......
Reading: BEGIN: 0x18c0000 - LEN: 0xc0000
Start procesing LOGO ......
Backup FAT disabled, we will skip it....
Start procesing ANDROID ......
Reading: BEGIN: 0x3080000 - LEN: 0xce00000
Backup CACHE disabled, we will skip it....
Backup USRDATA disabled, we will skip it....

The ROM is backup as scatter file can be flash back using any Mediatek tool if you don't have paid tool
can be flash back using any Mediatek tool that support scatter base loader.
ROM support scatter base file like SP flash Tool.
How to Flash Firmware using SP flash Tool

Note !
As see the figure show a information about firmware above.
Be sure you read and understand the project version, information,Version ROM of Firmware.
and step by step before proceeding to program your device.

Download : Lenovo A269i Firmware.Rar
Rar password: no password
NVRAM Download
Report Broken Link! Admin will try to fix it.

Firmware can use to same model about have problem about software related problem Hang, no power, password, pattern lock , infected by virus, anything about software related.
Best safe way is manual select flash only the SYSTEM ANDROID or use MOTA SIU LIKE of SP flash Tool to safe flash only.
Do it at your own risk, After flashing ! the device is set automatic in reset condition, All user data is lost.
Make sure back-up first before to proceed flashing your phone.


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