IPhone 6s Home Button Not Work Problem Solution Ways.The power button or on-off key is situated different places. But the task of the key is same. you can imagine a mobile phone without the power button or on-off key. So press your the power button or on-off key carefully. Because it’s can be damaged or affected any time any or anywhere.it is very needed to switch the mobile phone on or off.
Sometimes its also used for restarting our mobile phone. We can call this necessary button or key.
The power button or on-off key?
- Switching the phone on.
- switching the phone off.
- Restarting the mobile phone.
- Counting the pulse of the dead phone by pressing the power button.
- connecting the phone when we wanna flash it.
Power button or on-off key problems.
- We can not switch our phone on or off.
- We can not restart the hanged phone.
- Sometimes the phone takes restart automatically.
- The mobile phone has gone “flight mood” suddenly.
- The phone looks like a dead phone.
- Even we can not flash without the power button or on-off key problem.
iPhone 6s Home Button of the power button or on-off key problem.
- Disassemble your mobile phone carefully.
- Check the power button or on/off key.
- If you notice dust or rush then clean the key or around the key.
- Apply hot air and wait for a while.
- check the test point if it is missing.
- make a jumper carefully from the test if you can.
- Assemble your phone & enjoy.
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