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SP Flash Tool (MediaTek chips Flasher Tools)

Posted by Tech Space Media on Monday, August 22, 2016

Flash Custom or Stock ROM (scatter based).
Best Tool for Fixing Bricked device.
Advanced Memory testing and verifying.
Read / Write parameters also backup (ROM file).
Erasing / Formatting / Reset Your MTK based device.

This Tools can use to Flash ROM image address by file using scatter text file. There are many setup and professional setting to flash back the firmware to device. But i share how to used this Tools as what i do when i reprogramming and upgrading the device. 
This Tool is automatic detect the address if you load only the scatter text file from the folder where all files image is inside also. Example MT6572_Android_scatter.txt

Figure 1. Sample view of SP Flash Tool



1. Open SP Flash Tool
2. Click Scatter Loading Tab
3. Browse the folder where the all image file firmware
4. Select only Your_Android_scatter.txt
    The ROM image automatically Loaded, If not manual browse by location name
5.  Press Download Button icon
6. Install the Driver of your Phone (If you have already driver ignore this part)
   Refer this TAB, if you don't have click here and to download MediaTek drivers.
7Hold the boot key of device like hold volume down while connecting to PC with battery.
8. The tools start detect the device and starting to flash your mobile phone and wait until finish flash.
9. Reconnect the battery and restart your phone.

Three version perfect to use as so far in my shop
SP Flash Tool v5.1540.00.000 - latest
SP_Flash_Tool_v5.1352.0 - this version have Mota SIU like
SP_Flash_Tool_v3.1344_Win.zip - support old mtk chips.

Added Knowledge 1 :  Driver

How to manual install MTK USB preloader to flash Mediatek device using SP flash tool?
This is the proper driver connection of smartphone to start flashing detection of SP flash Tool below (example of my PC device manager)

Practice before start your work...

If  you connect the Mediatek chipset smartphone to PC USB port, you will see this preloader driver in 2-4 seconds, then after that it will be gone on connection and the smartphone will start to charging because no more Active tools want need connectivity.

This is normal because preloader driver react only in 2-4 seconds to detect if have a flasher tools active related to MediaTek connectivity.
If have active tools like (Miracle MTK tab, sp flash tool, etc ) is waiting to connection to preloader, the tools detect the port (COM) and will start to program or what command of tools work.

Manual install MTK Drivers is best because you directly install preloader in PORTS of your PC just follow this step below

  • First click here then select  Mediatek (MTK Chipset) Drivers Collection Updates download the
ff. A. Manual MTK Drivers CDC+VCOM+ADB+BROM preloader or B. MTK_USB_All_v1.0.1.zip and extract using winrar place to any location sample to desktop dont install for expert install it ^_^

  • Open device manager of your PC and Make power off your handset device

  • Connect power off phone to PC USB port then something POP-UP with sounds on screen asking for driver, This means the phone connection to PC is normally OK! it can asking flasher driver
(Some mobile require to hold boot mode like Volume button down + Volume button UP together while connecting to PC)

  • Right Click the Exlamation mark MT65xx preloader select option update driver , Figure tab appear, Select Advance click next.

  • A new browse apear on pc screen select Include location in the search, Browse the folder extracted earlier Manual MTK Drivers CDC+VCOM+ADB+BROM preloader click next.

  • After this the drivers auto find all needs to the folder MTK driver just continue installation if ask until you will see finish installed.

Click Finish and reconnect phone and check if preloader is detected

You will see now the Step 3 figure above a successful driver install, You can now proceed to start flash program using SP flash Tool.

If you connect the Mediatek chipset smartphone to PC USB port, you will see this preloader driver in 2-4 seconds, then after that it will be gone on connection and the smartphone will start to charging because no more Active tools want need connectivity.

This is normal because preloader driver react only in 2-4 seconds to detect if have a flasher tools active related to MediaTek connectivity.

If  have active tools waiting for preloader driver like (Miracle MTK tab, sp flash tool, etc ) see figure below

When  the tools detect preloader the Driver switch to the port (VCOM) because It will start to program or what command of tools work, This driver was view when the tools actual sending / recieve data to device.

Added knowledge 2 : How to flash scatter file Rom using Mota SIU like?

This option will find on version SP_Flash_Tool_v5.1352.0A free tool have safety flashing! If you a not sure if the ROM you use is same version of your android device example is you have cherry mobile spin 3G model, This unit have 3 version V1, V2, V3, Each Version is similar firmware but different loader and boot,
That's why if you FULL flash ROM V1 to V3 gadgets may result working but Blue screen because it different on loader.
This option is great to make custom Rom, It can load only recovery, system, bootimage only is safe way flash without erase another part.
You can see figure how to make it

This is example of firmware model S5500 Myphone agua rio V1 firmware flash to S5501  Myphone agua rio V2 gadget.

i tried this already for monkey virus infected and result it OK all virus is gone. But if you full flash all the firmware V1 to V2 is become blue screen.

I hope the update of this page of my experience will help reader how to safe flash thank you for visit.
-update by emerlitsgsmservice@gmail.com

Added knowledge 3: Download Button

Download option result. There are tree option before download start in selection may affect result to device here are below..
1. Format + Download
2. Download Only
3  Firmware upgrade

The Format + download if you select is clearing all nand/eemc partition also such as security,nvram,calibration data. meaning if you flash program the device in this condition the IMEI and baseband erase, make it sure you have backup this file to restore, The other way to fix if you dont backup is to using PAID Tools like sigma box ! be care full to select this option

Download only is to insert ROM file without clearing calibration security data, its clear only userdata.
Its safeway option.

Firmware Upgrade is to insert ROM file which is per partition erase, its clearing also userdata or change address partition by preloader address.
-update by phoenixemerconvert2@gmail.com

Added knowledge 4 : Format

Deep Format entire Chipsets address (Advance Mode)The Deep Format is a Hidden features i learn on this Tools, But i not recommended to beginner or not professionally technician on mobile repairing.
The special of this features is to deep erase all address including NVRAM, IMEI , Partition , protected region also bad blocks on memory size.
That's why dont do this if you dont know next and you have no proper knowledge and files need to restore everything your phones.
The figure below show the Screenshot of setup to show hidden Features of deep Format.

  • Open Sp flash Tool
  • Go to Format Tab
  • Press CTRL + Alt + V on your keyboard to show like this above picture
  • The color blue rectangle is the setup to make it Deep format
  • load scatter firmware of your phone
  • Connect power of phone in PC usb cable
Note that before you deep format phone make sure you know already the problem of device because its result DEAD Phones after format because of nothing more anything on phone make sure you have all files backup before proceed.
-update by emerlitsgsmservice@gmail.com


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