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UPGRADEDOWNLOAD (Spreadtrum Chipset Flasher Tool).

Posted by Tech Space Media on Monday, August 22, 2016

UpgradeDownload is used to write the mobile software into hardware modules through serial ports. It only supports packet file (PAC) file. It has the following advantages:

- High efficiency
- Multiple modules can perform downloading at the same.
- Easy operation.
- You need only to connect the module to the serial port and switch to the correct mode.
- The program automatically detects the files and starts downloading. After downloading,
  you can manually change to another module and downloading starts again.
  UpgradeDownload runs on Windows 2000 above . At least one usable serial port is required
- You can visit Spreadtrum Chipset link Here know more about this intergrated circuit.

 Figure 1. sample image of tools.

How to use it? If you have (PAC) file firmware, PAC file is extension image that use in this tool example is "Your Firmware.pac" . You can insert this file to flash UPGRADEDOWNLOAD tool to your Smartphone.

Example of PAC firmware name with extension : Cherry_sapphire_W092_S13.pac

Before going to flash your Phone

  • Be sure you have proper driver totally installed to your PC or laptop
  • Be sure you have exactly firmware pac same to your phone, don't try other firmware PAC may result Dead boot, afterward only paid tool can reviving it.

1. Open UPGRADEDOWNLOAD tool exe
2. Click the Gear icon
3. Another Tabs appear to Browse the Firmware.pac and select it
4. Hit PLAY icon to start download ,

    The tools is ready and waiting for devices

5. Power off phone (proceed to step no.7)
6. Install the Driver of your Phone (If you have already driver ignore this part)

   Refer this TAB, if you don't have driver click here 
and to download SCI usb2serial flashing Spreadtrum chipset.

7Hold the boot key of device like hold volume down+ volume up together while connecting to PC with battery.
8. The tools start detect the device and starting to flash your mobile phone and wait until finish flash.
9. After 100% flash Reconnect the battery and restart your phone
10. Some model after flash need to hard reset to prevent long-time waiting in start-up logo

Download Spreadtrum chipset flashing Tool

Extract it with no password

Download SPD_Upgrade_Tool_R17.0.0001

Update : This version R17.0.0001 is for new chipset as far i encountered from low version as known it 
"bin file packet too small error load' , Use this version to prevent error

Extract it with no password


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