Home » » Qualcomm Flash Image Loader (QFIL) Flash Tool Latest v2.0.0.5 Free Download

Qualcomm Flash Image Loader (QFIL) Flash Tool Latest v2.0.0.5 Free Download

Posted by Tech Space Media on Monday, October 30, 2017

How to use Qualcomm Flash Image Loader?

The use of this tool is pretty simple, you need to download the tool Ąrst from the given link, we have already updated the link to the latest version so download it and
install it on your mobile phone, and do not forget to install the USB driver on your mobile phone, because, without of that USB drivers, your computer will not recognize
the mobile phone of you.

Now, if you have download this tool, then click on the EXE Ąle, this Qualcomm Ćash image loader tool is a portable application, you have no need to install this, instead,
it will automatically launch when you will click on that.

So, when this will be launched on your computer screen, you should tap the browse button. That browse button will lead you to the Ąles, the Ąrmware Ąles which you
have saved and downloaded already on your mobile phone. Tap on those Ąles, and click the option open, this will take a little bit of time, and will load all the Ąles to
install it on your mobile phone.

Now, yet, you have not connected your phone, do not connect before doing all what mentioned above in the post.

After following all these, switch oĂ the bricked phone, and connect it to the computer, where you have already managed all the setup. Insert the USB data cable one side in the mobile phone and the other side with your computer.

Right after that, you need to press the start button, and Ąles will start installing on the mobile phone.
Near about 15 minutes it will take to install the Firmware fleis on your mobile phone and when it will launch the log of the phone, you will see the flashing of the phone has been completed, and now you have to get back your mobile phone a fresh piece of software all over again.

Features of Download Qualcomm Flash Image Loader(QWFI)

First, but an impressive feature of this tool is, this is portable, have no need to install it on your laptop or computer, just tap and it will be launched.

Very impressive tool to install the flashing files on the mobile phone of Qualcomm brand.
Can use it for the variety of the range of the phones.

Can download and use for every version of the Windows.

Clean and simple interface to let you know what to do and how to do.

So, download this tool which is going to help you in installing the stock firmware files on your Qualcomm mobile phone.

Our New Website Link Here 


  1. Any mobile phone flase tools
    Qualcomm Flash Image Loader Flash Tool


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