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YGDP Tool Latest Version v5.00 With Drivers For Windows Download

Posted by Tech Space Media on Monday, October 30, 2017

YGDP Tool will allow you to Ćash your mobile phone with stock Ąles if you got mobile phones who install.CPB Ąrmware Ąles, and then you can use this tool to install the stock Ąrmware Ąles on your phone. We are going to shed light on how you can Ćash your smartphone with.CPB Ąles, then stick in here do not rush around and read the complete article.

Features of YGDP Tool: 

  1. You can use this tool to install all the android phones, but the Ąrmware Ąles should be CPB types, no other Ąles will be installed on the phone, other than this. 
  2. This YGDP Tool compatible with all the Windows, but other than Windows, this will not work like Mac or Linux. For Windows, you can install it on all versions of the Windows like Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Vista and Windows 10. 
  3. Will work Ąne for the pre resources Ąles. By using this YGDP Tool you can know the basic information of your mobile phones, like basic info, hardware info, software info and much more. 
  4. You should remember the password to Login to your account. 
How to Flash smartphone with CPB stock Ąles?
  1. First, you should download this YGDP Tool from the given link, and install it on your computer. The computer should be your own computer, and there should be installed proper MTP drivers on that computer to have a smooth communication with your mobile phone.
  2. Now, if you have downloaded the driver, and do not know how to install that YGDP Tool then follow me
  3. In the downloaded folder, you will Ąnd the YDGP_Assembly.ext Ąle, which is the setup Ąle, double-click on the Ąle and follow the instruction. There will be normal installation like you install other software or drivers.
  4. After installing the YGDP it will ask you to provide the Login code, do not worry put 369 or 9527 and login to your software.
  5. Now, you will see a new screen has appeared and you should see the ConĄg button on the left-hand side near the view and Ąle option in that screen.
  6. And now, you need to upload those CPB Ąrmware Ąles, on those browsing windows, remember where you have saved those Ąles on your computer, and select those Ąles to upload in given option
  7. Remember that, you have not yet connected your computer with the mobile phone, do not do this, I will tell you when there will be a need to connect the mobile phone to the computer.
  8. Next, apply the button
  9. Now, you are going to connect your mobile phone to the computer, remember that power of your mobile phone, when you connect the mobile phone to the computer
  10. Battery should be there in the mobile phone and start the option of Ćashing
  11. Within some minutes you will see your mobile phone has been Ćashed with the stock Ąrmware Ąles.
  12. The option of the mobile phone has installed the stock Ąrmware successfully will be there.
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